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IRS Tax Audit Statistics & Overview

IRS Tax Audit Statistics


The number of IRS audits has decreased by nearly half since 2010, with the audit rate dropping from 0.93 percent in 2010 to 0.39 percent in 2019. Work Cited from (Buttonow, Jim, What are the chances of an IRS Audit. Jackson Hewitt)

COVID-19 reduced the IRS audit rate to 0.2 percent in 2020. The IRS 2020 audit rates, on the other hand, are very high. Despite a magnificent reduction in audits overall, some taxpayer profiles did not see the same decline in audits as alternative categories.

So it is an influencer to know what is a tax audit and how its statistics and overview affect you.

What is an IRS Tax Audit?

During an IRS audit, accounts and financial information of an organization or individual are reviewed and examined. This verifies that the information submitted is valid and compliant with tax rules. As well as that amount deducted has been recorded correctly.

What makes you eligible for an audit?

Audits are not always indicative of a problem. Among the methods used by the IRS are:

1.   Random Selection:

The selection of returns can be random or based on a statistical formula. Tax return norms get compared to your tax return. As part of the National Research Program of the IRS, these norms got developed through audits of statistically valid random samples of returns. This software updates the return selection information.

2.   Examinations that relate to tax audit:

When you get selected for audit with other taxpayers, IRS may select your returns for audit for reasons related to their returns.

3.   After that, an expert auditor examines the return:

If an auditor identifies something questionable, they will determine the items and assign them to an examining group.

Reasons why your return may get an audit

1.   Making an excessive number of charity gifts

 If you give money to charity, you may be eligible for some well-deserved tax advantages. If you give money to charity, you may be eligible for some well-deserved tax advantages.

This piece of advice is self-evident:

  • Do not disclose fictitious donations.
  • Accomplish your contribution if you don’t have the evidence to back it up. It is straightforward.
  • On a $40,000 salary, claiming $10,000 in charity deductions can raise questions.

2.   Taking too many business deductions

Registering too many costs has the same effect as reporting too many losses. Purchases must be

1) ordinary

2) required for your firm to qualify for a deduction.

Paint and paintbrushes are likely to be claimed by a professional artist since they fit both conditions. A lawyer who paints for pleasure and does not benefit from his art may have a problem. Numbers that are clean and round can raise questions.

The figures on your 1040 form and accompanying papers are unlikely to be in tidy $100 increments. Make sure your calculations are accurate and that you do not make any guesses. Not to the next hundredth, but the nearest dollar. Assume you are a photographer who claims a $495.25 lens as a business expenditure; round to $495, not $500. Even the stated payment is improbable, and the IRS may demand verification.

3.   Omitting to disclose a portion of your earnings

Is there a simple method to pass an IRS audit?

Don’t report a portion of your earnings.

How will I get notified of the tax audit?

If your account gets selected for auditing, the IRS will send you an e-mail. So if you get a scam call, you know it is fake. You will get a mail on your registered e-mail id.

What method will the IRS use to perform your audit?

The IRS conducts audits by mail or in-person interviews to examine your records. The interrogation might hold in an IRS office, your home, company, or accountant’s office (field audit). Remember that you will get contacted by e-mail first. In the e-mail you will receive, the IRS will include all necessary contact information and instructions.

If IRS performs your audit by mail, they will send you a letter requesting further information regarding certain items on your tax return, such as income, spending, and itemized deductions. You can request a face-to-face audit if you have too many books or records to send. In the letter, you will find contact information for further instructions.

It sounds tough to do everything yourself. Hence, you have tax relief services.

What are tax relief services?

Individuals and corporations can benefit from tax relief by lowering their tax liability. The purpose of tax relief is to assist individuals and support a cause.

A government program or policy aimed at lowering the taxes paid by people or companies is known as tax relief. It might be a general tax cut or a specialized program that benefits taxpayers or helps the government achieve a specific objective.

Why Is It So Important To Look For Tax Relief Services?

The main advantage of hiring a tax resolution specialist is that you’ll have someone working on your behalf, familiar with the law and IRS rules. You might be able to find tax relief services that could save you money on interest and penalties. You may also be able to demonstrate that you are not legally liable for tax debt. You’ll also be able to sleep better at night knowing that you haven’t forgotten any tasks or steps that might lead to further problems down the line.

What Is Involved in Tax Relief Services?

A free consultation is generally the first step in the tax relief process, during which a tax resolution specialist will assess your existing tax burden and provide you with an estimate for continuing service. Once you’ve agreed, the tax resolution specialist will do a thorough examination of your taxes and recommend the best course of action. Finally, they’ll negotiate with the IRS to ensure that you can achieve the best possible result.

Determine whether you require a tax resolution specialist for a tax audit.

Most letters you receive in the mail are just requests for information — the IRS, for example, wants you to turn in your 1099 form or show them your receipts for business meals you deducted. You don’t need to involve your lawyer or accountant in this scenario; simply mailing in the appropriate papers is generally adequate.

If you can’t discover the information they’re searching for, you should see a tax resolution specialist to help you decide what to do next.

You should almost certainly seek expert help from a tax attorney or accountant if you’ve asked to meet with an agent.

You’ll need to provide your tax audit representative with the power of a tax resolution specialist who can handle everything while you’re at home.

You could believe that bringing in a tax resolution specialist in audit representation will irritate the agent or make them suspect you of wrongdoing, but the contrary is true. Your IRS agent will prefer to work with an attorney because they will compile the needed material in a style that is easy to understand for the agent and will do it neutrally and professionally.


A tax audit may seem like a complicated process. Hence there are tax relief services provided by tax resolution specialists.

Deductions, credits, or exclusions, and cancellation of a tax lien on rare occasions, are some of the Tax relief services. Choosing the right tax resolution specialist can help you get the best possible solution for yourself.

Posted in Tax

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