Conversion rate is a core metric for any website. As a marketer, you understand the value of landing pages for generating leads and directing users through the sales funnel, which eventually leads to purchases. Creating a high-converting landing page is not easy. Then, how to increase your website conversion rate because many factors play a role in boosting a website conversion rate. In this article, we’ll let you know some effective strategies/techniques that enhance conversion rate and lead to more sales.
Effective Strategies for a Higher Conversion Rate on Your Website
Use a CRO planner
Conversion rate optimization can seem like a difficult endeavour to begin. How can you start increasing your conversion rate? Use of a CRO planner. You can use a CRO planner to analyse your conversion rate and create a plan to raise it.
For example, the HubSpot CRO planner provides guidance on how to perform a site assessment, pinpoint areas where your conversion funnel needs improvement, comprehend your site’s users, and carry out A/B testing and experimentation.
Because they walk through the full process from A to Z, CRO planners might be useful.
Shorten your forms
One of the reasons why people don’t convert is because the process is difficult. For instance, visitors may be reluctant to complete a lengthy form.
It is your responsibility to remove hesitation, not to create it. Your audience will trust you more if you make your forms shorter. Additionally, consumers are more likely to finish it because it takes less time to complete.
Add social proof
89% of buyers look at internet reviews before making a purchase, in case you were unaware. According to the Trustpilot-commissioned Canvas8 survey, 49% of buyers rank positive reviews among the top three factors influencing their decisions to buy.
Your internet presence and reputation undoubtedly affect your conversion rate. For this reason, you want to incorporate social proof into your website.
You can include links to your Yelp page or any other directory page with reviews from previous customers.
You should also provide reviews and testimonials on your website so that users don’t have to visit a third-party website.
Your client’s satisfaction with your product or service should be transparent. Your conversion rate will suffer if it isn’t.
Monitor user behaviour on your website
If you don’t know how users are using your site, it will be difficult to increase your conversion rate. However, how can you determine which areas are causing visitors to become confused?
You can view user screen recordings on your website by using website analysis tools. You can monitor what they click on, if they ignore an offer, or whether they abruptly quit completing a form.
These tools should also contain heat maps of your website so you can observe what attracts attention and what stands out.
Include live chat
A visitor may have a query or worry about your product or service if they don’t convert.
You should think about including live chat on your website to keep prospective clients from leaving.
Your sales or customer service representatives can allay the worries of hesitant prospects by using live chat.
Evaluate your offers
It can seem like you’ve done everything at times—you’ve optimised your forms, included social proof, and created compelling text. However, you haven’t converted yet.
It’s time to review your content offers when this occurs. Are they in line with your target market? Are they imaginative and captivating? Are the deals appropriate for the page they are on?
Consider your existing offers and respond to those enquiries.
Offers that are intriguing and tangible consistently outperform generic ones. You must evaluate and test your content offers if you want to increase conversions.